Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Why is it that.... puppies wait just long enough to convince you that they "get" that they're supposed to do their business outside, lull you into a complacent state of mind, and then wait until your reading blogs to shit on the carpet?

...I complain about my husband being underfoot/bugging me constantly/not letting me get any work done since he graduated from his MBA program in May, and now that he's started school again, I miss him desperately and feel like I'm left with all my "real" work AND the housework (like cleaning up puppy poop)? client had me spend hours and hours, over a matter of weeks, trying to schedule meetings around her crazy schedule for the both of us to attend, only to decide two days before we're due to depart that she doesn't think she needs to go anyway?

...I can spend hours and hours feverishly working on a personal work-out and diet plan/detailed family budget/new blog template, only to abandon said effort 3 days later with nary a second thought?

...I am already falling back on lists, when it's only my second day of blogging?

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